Your First Lolita Meetup; What to Expect and How to Make it a Success.
Lolita meetups are a great way to meet up with other local Lolitas in your immediate area! Meetups allow you to interact with others that are into the same fashion. At a lolita meet you can often discuss recent dress releases, trade accessories and apparel and show of your lolita coordinate. Many times, meetups have a common goal or theme, such as a twinning challenge or a swap meet. Each experience is different, and I truly enjoy being able to participate in my local lolita gatherings!
Before You Go...
Your first meetup is a lot of fun to attend, and it is an experience many continue to treasure. You may be excited, nervous, or a strange combination of the two. These feelings are completely natural. Before you attend your meetup, there are a few things you may want to check off your to-do list.
1. Connect with the meetup coordinator.
It is always a good idea to be in touch with the person who is coordinating the event. The host of the meet will be able to provide you with the details and agenda of the event. This is helpful knowledge to plan your attendance and ensure you have a good understanding of the meetup. The meetup host will be able to express any cost that may incur for the meet as well. If the gathering has a special theme, such as an old school coordinate challenge or a twinning event, the person who is in charge of organizing the event will be able to express the details.
For special events, the meetup coordinator can share a general cost for the gathering. Some events may include a specified event, cafe, or restaurant. If you can attend a special meetup, it is always best to share that you will be there sooner rather than later. Many times, special events need an accurate headcount and pre-payment for your attendance. The more accurate the number of the attendees, and the funds to secure the event, the better!
2. Plan Your Visit
It is a lolita meetup, so lolita fashion is preferable and the most fun! Lolita is fun to wear among others in frilly attire. Select a coordinate to showcase your most recent dress or your favorite skirt. Choose a coordinate that will complement the theme of the meetup. Be sure to pay attention to every aspect of your appearance also, as you will want to make a favorable impression.
If you do not have lolita style clothes to wear, do not fret! Many times, people who are interested in the fashion attend meetups. This is especially so if the meetup is open to the public and if it is not a gathering for a specified event or theme. Feel free to dress on the nicer side. A simple blouse paired with a nice pair of pants or a skirt will allow you to blend with the other members of the gathering. This is especially important for group photographs or videos. Either way, be sure to dress your best!
3. Pack Your Essentials
In addition to your coordinate, there are additional items that you may need. Some of these articles may include your wallet, a parasol, car keys, camera, cellphone, comb, small emergency sewing kit, required papers such as a ticket or receipt to attend a special event and networking business cards.
At The Meet Up
No doubt you have planned this day out to the finest detail. As you secure your final shoe strap and curl the friendly spiral around your awaiting finger, you can scarcely wait to arrive at the lolita meet!
1. Strike Up a Conversation
The largest aspect of the meetup is to mingle with others who adore the same fashion that you do. This gathering allows you to meet new people, forge new friendships, and chat about the fashion trends, name brand releases, or the latest lolita-related news!
Do you need a few ideas to strike up a conversation? Here are some statements to get you started!
Compliment a fellow Lolita on their coordinate
Compliment a fellow Lolita on aspects of their coordinate
Inquire what brand a fellow Lolita's dress is from
Inquire the title of a fellow Lolita's dress
Inquire where your fellow Lolita purchased various aspects of their coordinate
Ask a fellow Lolita about their thoughts on a particular recent dress release
Ask a fellow Lolita if they where they prefer to acquire items (Taobao, brand, Lace Market)
Inquire what online communities the fellow Lolita is a part of
Group conversations are often lead by the host of the event and fueled by extroverted individuals within the group. If you tend to be on the quieter side, you may contribute to the conversation with simple remarks or questions, which will allow the stream of conversation to continue its course.
2. Connect with Someone New
If you attend a meetup with another Lolita that you know, or even just a friend for moral support, be sure to strike up a conversation with someone new! One of the perks of an in-person lolita meetup is to see new faces, build beginning relationships and forge new friendships. Do not ignore your friend by any means but do allow yourself to remain open to new conversations and new potential friends.
3. Be Polite
Mind your manners! As with all social events do be sure to implement all of the lessons you have been taught by your parents. No one enjoys someone who comes across as rude or inconsiderate.
Have Fun!
Most importantly, have fun! Be yourself, meet new people and enjoy the bustle of a frilly group!
Do you have any particular concerns about attending you first meet up? Do you also have any advice for a Lolita who has not attended a meetup as of yet? I would love to read your comments!