Lolita Goals for 2015 and 2016
It is now the time to reflect on the past year and to strive to make this a year to remember. Last year I had made 3 goals to achieve; wardrobe expansion, to learn new skills and to stay regular with my posts. Before I reveal my 2016 goals, I would like to go over the achievements I made in 2015 year. Let's go!
2015 Goals
Wardrobe Expansion -- Last year my first goal was to obtain additional petticoats, bloomers, jumperskirts, skirts, and blouses. I can happily say that I met this goal! I successfully added a new jumperskirt, blouse, petticoat and bloomers to my wardrobe, along with a few accessory additions. Success!
Learn new Skills -- Last year my second goal was to learn how to sew. Not only did I learn how to use my sewing machine, but I even made lolita themed items for my doll Hitomi! I cannot wait to expand and improve my skills. Success!
Stay Regular -- This last goal for 2015 was centered around my blog and lolita store being updated. Unfortunately, I fell short on this goal. I did not keep my blog updated per month, nor did I make any changes or updates to my hobby business. Between graduation and getting a job, things were a bit rocky. I hope to remedy this goal in 2016. Unsuccessful
2016 Goals
Wardrobe Expansion
While I did some great work with my wardrobe expansion over the past year, I can still do much better. This year my goals are to: buy a lolita style coat, boots, an extra blouse, bag and a brand JSK with an adorable print. I will stick to my main colors of white, cream and pink.
Last year I learned how to sew. This year my goals are to complete 3 lolita projects for myself and 3 lolita projects for my Obitsu doll Hitomi. She and I both can use additions to our wardrobe and pieces I created myself would be an awesome feat.
Stay Consistent
I am determined to make sure that this year I complete this specific goal. My goal is to stay regular with my blog. This means that I will maintain a posting schedule of one blog article per week. If I post every Friday, I get bonus points! As for Keep A Fallen Star, I have the will to update and change it, but I will not make a specific goal to achieve that.
Have a Happy New Year everyone, and Stay Filly ♥!