For the Love of Frills, a Lolita Fashion Blog
This is where share my experience, reviews, and tips as a lolita fashion enthusiast!

Kawaii Lifestyle
This ADORABLE subscription service sends you kawaii goodies right from Japan! With goodies from Disney, Sanrio and Sailor Moon, you can’t go wrong.
Sponsored: Kawaii Styling w/ Designs By Jelly Ultra
Recently, I connected with the kawaii brand Jelly Ultra. I'm very excited to showcase some of their amazing pieces with unique coordinates!
My Favorite Lolita-Friendly Games
There are currently three websites or phone applications that I use for all my dress up fun! I wanted to share these titles since you may enjoy these games as much as I do.
My Number One Impossible Magical Item I Wish Existed for Lolita
There are so many fantastic and beautifully designed fantasy and magical items generated from the glittery imagination of numerous creative minds. Many would make incredible lolita coordinate props, while others would make delightful accessories. How can I choose just one?
My Friends That I Want to Convert
Since lolita has brought me so much joy it is natural that I would want to share this happiness with others. There are four specific people in my life that I would love to convert to fashion!
Lolita Fashion in Mainstream Films?
I am an avid admirer of the horror genre. The very nature of these dark and twisted fantasies seem to repel the feminine nature of the fashion. Yet, it seems the style has penetrated these films, even if for an only few brief exciting moments.
Review: Lolita Fashion Book
Misako Aoki released her Lolita Fashion Book in March of 2014. In this book, Misako highlights lolita fashion styles and sub-styles, lolita hair and makeup tutorials and lolita coordinates in full-color brilliance!
Review: Kawaii Gifts/Shop Kawaii
My girlfriend has a special soft spot in her heart for Rilakkuma, so many of her birthday and Christmas gifts have come from this shop. I have fallen in love with Rilakkuma's girl Korilakkuma, and now often buy items that feature the adorable off-white and pink eared bear whenever possible!